Keep up to date with the shadow review!

The launch of our interim report
We've released our interim report: summarising our call for evidence and outlining young people’s thoughts on the education system

We met members of the official Curriculum and Assessment Review panel
On 16 December 2024 members of our Youth Shadow Panel met with members of the Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review Panel, including Prof. Becky Francis (Chair), Cassie Buchanan, Prof. Zongyi Deng, Jon Hutchinson, Dr Vanessa Ogden and Gary Aubin.

Who are the youth shadow panel?
We are a team of young people from many of the Shadow Review’s partner organisations. We will be listening to, valuing, and understanding the opinions of young people aged 5 -19 across the English education system.

Our ‘call for evidence’
We are inviting children and young people across England to share your views on your experience of school or college. Share your opinions on what you like, don’t like, and how your education could be improved.

How does the Shadow Review link to the Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review?
The Shadow Curriculum and Assessment Review is made up of young people and a group of youth organisations who represent the voices of thousands of young people.

Our launch
In response to the Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review, we launched the youth-led Shadow Review to ensure youth voices are central in shaping the future of education.