
How does the Shadow Review link to the Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review?


The Shadow Curriculum and Assessment Review is made up of young people and a group of youth organisations who represent the voices of thousands of young people.

We are not a part of the Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review but there are some ways that the Shadow Review will feed into the Government’s Review which includes:

  • The youth shadow panellists will meet with Professor Becky Francis and other panel members to highlight key themes from young people.

  • Youth shadow panellists will brief the official panel on the interim youth findings.

  • Some of the Official Review panellists will attend the Shadow Review roadshow events in the spring.

  • Youth shadow panellists will brief the official panel on the final youth findings in June.

  • Professor Becky Francis and the Official panel members will be invited to the final launch of the youth Shadow Review’s report in June.


Key themes and the interim and final findings of the Shadow Review will be created from the youth perspectives collated in the Shadow Review ‘call for evidence’ and through other relevant interactions youth panellists have. We are working constructively with the Department for Education to ensure the Shadow Review is useful, timely and representative of the voices of young people today, in a format that can feed into the Government’s Curriculum and Assessment Review.