Our regional roadshow events
In March 2025, we're bring children and young people together to share experiences and views on education, and engage in discussions around this. The events will focus on the key themes which were presented in our interim report.
The events will be interactive, fun and free, and we'd love you to join us, along with your friends and/or siblings. More information and registration coming very soon!
Thursday 13 March, 13:00-15:30, Dudley College (students from local colleges invited)
Friday 14 March, 11:00-13:30, AQA Offices, London (ages 11-18). For more information and to register, view the Eventbrite page.
Saturday 15 March, 12:30-15:00, OVO offices, Bristol (ages 11-20). For more information and to register, view the Eventbrite page.
Thursday 27 March, Durham University (invite only event for local primary schools)
Online session 1
Online session 2
If you would be able to help contribute towards some of the costs of the events, please contact hello@shadowpanel.uk